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Geometry Syllabus 24-25


Course Syllabus – Geometry with Engineering

Credit: 1 required math credit

Teacher: Amanda Belknap



Course Description

This course is designed to prepare students for more advanced mathematics courses and to gain a basic understanding of 2 and 3 dimensional shapes. We will use the Geometry makerspace to work through the engineering design process to create prototypes found in real world STEAM careers. We will also review and incorporate several Algebra 1 concepts.


Needed Supplies

Charged chromebook, pencils, and headphones (Optional: scientific calculator)


Student Evaluation

The grading system for the Mathematics Department at Iola High School is as follows:

  • Chapter Tests, Concept Checks, Final



  • Daily Work, Engineering Projects, IXL, Notes




Attendance Policy

If you are ill or told to quarantine, stay home. If you are well enough to still work from home, log in to Google Classroom to see the notes and assignment. You will be responsible for logging in, staying caught up on practice problems, and submitting concept checks while absent. As stated in the student handbook, if you are “unexcused”, you will not be allowed to make up the work from that day and will receive a zero.


Classroom Expectations

We will follow the IHS PRIDE acronym in this classroom.

  1. PUNCTUALITY: Arrive to class on time prepared with your class materials.

  2. RESPECT: Respect your classmates and teacher. This includes words, tone, actions, etc.

  3. INTEGRITY: Be responsible for your actions and be the young adult you should be.

  4. DILIGENCE: Give your all, all the time. Work hard and it will pay off.

  5. EXCELLENCE: Ask questions if you don’t understand. No one is great at everything.


Class Policies

Most days will consist of class discussions, IXL practice, and/or practice problems to do in your math workbook. Other days we will be in the Makerspace working through engineering projects. Work for the week is due on Fridays, unless otherwise stated in class. Work turned in late, will receive reduced credit. NO work will be accepted after we’ve taken the chapter test.

If you are having trouble with this class, come to me immediately and I can work with you OR you can ask another student for assistance, if you are more comfortable working with a peer.  If you wait until the end of the semester, it will be TOO LATE to save your grade.

To be exempt from the final each semester, you must follow the ‘Final Exemption’ policy in the student handbook. I also offer the ‘Automatic A’ on the final for those students who fulfill the policy in the hand book AND HAVE NO ZEROS IN POWERSCHOOL FOR THIS CLASS.

Phone Policy

As per the student handbook, phones are NOT allowed in ANY IHS classroom. They need to be in your locker, zipped away in your backpack, or kept in your pocket. If you are caught with your phone during class time, it will go on my desk for the remainder of the hour. If it happens a second time, the phone will be given to Administrators and they keep it all day and release it to your parents. There will be times at the end of class discussions that I allow phones IF you’re finished with the day’s work AND you don’t have any missing work to do.


Plagiarism, Cheating, and Academic Integrity

Plagiarism is the practice of copying words, sentences, images, or ideas without giving proper credit to the source. This includes copying another student’s math problems. Cheating is defined as the giving or receiving of answers on anything that has been determined by the teacher to be an individual effort. This includes ‘Googling’ answers on a concept check or assessment.  Both are considered serious offenses. Guilty parties will receive a zero and will be turned in to the office immediately. The second offense will result in a zero and 1-5 days of OSS. Third offense will result in failing the class.



Below is an overview of modules for this course. Please note: Time frame is subject to change and is an estimate.



Modules/Chapters covered


  • Module 1: Tools of Geometry

  • Module 2: Angles and Geometric Figures

  • Module 3: Logical Arguments and Line Relationships


  • Module 4: Transformations and Symmetry

  • Module 5: Triangles and Congruence 

  • Module 6: Relationships in Triangles


  • Module 7: Quadrilaterals

  • Module 8: Similarity

  • Module 9: Right Triangles and Trigonometry


  • Module 10: Circles

  • Module 11: Measurement

  • Module 12: Probability

To download a copy of this syllabus, click the link below:

Geometry 2024-2025

A more comprehensive layout of lessons is attached below:

Contact Amanda Belknap

Classroom Number:
School Phone:
Conference Time:
2nd Hour Plan, before/after school