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Dana Daugharthy:  Physics & Chemistry

   Frequently Asked Questions   

What supplies do I need for class?

You need to make sure that you bring a writing utensil and your Chromebook.  It is important that you provide your own dry erase markers as well.  I would recommend having multiple colors, but if you only have one, that is fine.  In addition to that, I would recommend getting a 3-ring notebook to store your paper packets.  Finally, I would recommend a scientific calculator.

How does your grading system work?

You will be given a one question quiz over each component.  These quizes will be graded on a scale from 0 to 2.  2 means that you have demonstrated mastery.  1 means that you have demonstrated some level of obtaining the learning objective of the component.  0 means that you demonstrated no knowledge of the component.

Once the quiz has been graded, then that grade will go into the gradebook.  If it is not a grade that you like, then you may retake on that component quiz until you demonstrate mastery.

At the end of each unit, you will then take a test with 2 to 3 questions from each component.  Each component will be graded separately, and those component grades will go into the gradebook on a points scale out of 100 points.  If you do not do well on the test, then there are retest options as well.  

Why do I have to work in groups?

Part of the scientific learning process is being in collaboration with other people.  Working in groups not only helps you learn 21st century skills, but it also helps you formalize your knowledge.  In groups, you can enhance experiments and knowledge through the use of productive discussion.

Why do we whiteboard?

Whiteboarding is a staple of my classroom for several reasons.  First, it forces students to learn how to present information in a coherent way.  Students are forced to present their information in a written and a verbal way.  Secondly, it allows students to think about how to explain their own ideas.  Often students struggle communicating their thoughts and opinions.  Whiteboards allow for students to practice with this.  Third, it allows observers to learn from their peers.  This is encouraged through asking questions and working through misconceptions.  Finally, this is very similar to what actual scientists do.  Scientists will constantly be reviewing ideas with their peers by presenting a problem to them.  This allows students in my class to learn science like scientists learn science!